
"Shift" Cooperd bowl by John Glendinning.

Mission Statement

The making of objects is inherent to us all.
It is the mission of The Blackstone Valley School of Crafts
To Provide the finest craft education, to inspire the creative spirit and to celebrate the handmade.
We want to bring craft back to the community, and the community back to craft.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

New Location

Well- We still haven't heard a thing from the town about our craft venture into the old school.  But- as things sometimes happen we've had an offer which could see us in a new location come March.  I'm very excited about this.  The location will still be in Uxbridge.  We really want to be a community based craft center, it is very unfortunate that we don't have the support of town hall.  I think they are missing out on a wonderful experience.  The old Blanchard building would be revitalized and full of artistic life and energy, not an eye soar as it is now.  I don't want to jinx us until everything is finalized.  Please send us an email to be added to our contact list and to let us know what type of workshops you'd like to see, ceramics, woodworking, jewelry, etc
Thanks for checking in and stay posted
Have a safe and happy holiday
Steve Butler

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