
"Shift" Cooperd bowl by John Glendinning.

Mission Statement

The making of objects is inherent to us all.
It is the mission of The Blackstone Valley School of Crafts
To Provide the finest craft education, to inspire the creative spirit and to celebrate the handmade.
We want to bring craft back to the community, and the community back to craft.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Inside 1 Hartford Ave East

Today Liesl and I had a look inside the old Hartford Ave School.  W are considering leasing it from the town of Uxbridge for the future site of the craft school.  The school needs some TLC but it has great bones. There was fantastic woodwork and tin ceilings all over.  The school has three floors and a basement.  The third
 floor was the auditorium and has a great stage.

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