
"Shift" Cooperd bowl by John Glendinning.

Mission Statement

The making of objects is inherent to us all.
It is the mission of The Blackstone Valley School of Crafts
To Provide the finest craft education, to inspire the creative spirit and to celebrate the handmade.
We want to bring craft back to the community, and the community back to craft.

Friday, August 26, 2011


For more than six months Liesl and I have been back and forth with the town of Uxbridge about this beautiful old school building. Liesl and I are hoping to lease the building from the town and finally have a permanent home for our school
 The Blackstone Valley School of Crafts"  A month ago the town managers office called and asked us to re-submit our proposal.  We did and last week we got a call from the chairman of the board of selectman.  They are interested in our proposal and in September we have to give a presentation to the entire board of selectman. The building was originally gifted to the town and is to remain an educational institution.  We want to create a vibrant craft center that embraces the community.  Hopefully we'll get the building and bring new life to it through the making of objects.  I'll keep you posted.  Please visit http://www.theblackstonevalleyschoolofcrafts.blogspot.com/ for updates.  Liesl and I received a call from Jeannie Hebert of The Blackstone Valley Chamber of Commerce and from Bruce Larsen form The Small Business Development Association ( SBDA).  They are very interested in our school venture and are working with us to achieve our goal.  Apparently there are grants  and funding available for such initiatives as ours.  They met last week with the State on our behalf.  We should hear back from them soon.  I'll keep you posted.  So - as usual we have a lot of irons in the fire.

I'm not a citizen of this country so I can't vote, if I could I'm not sure which polotical party I would vote for especially in these tough times.  I have never endorsed a polotical candidate before and always try to hear both sides of an argument and give everyone  a chance.  This being said I must give praise and a huge thank you to a young State Representative.  Ryann Fattman is a State Representative, representing Sutton and parts of Uxbridge, MA.  When we originally didn't hear back from the town about our proposal I contacted a few offices.  Ryan's office was the only one to call us back and do something.  Ryan's office contacted the town managers office.  We heard back that same day.  Last Thursday evening I was invited to go to an event that Ryan was hosting.  Ryan meets hundreds of people each week but he came over, shook my hand and asked about the school.  He then proceeded to introduce me to Senator Scott Brown and Charlie Baker,
who ran for congressman.  I'm very impressed with this young politician.

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